NEW: Arys Dejan - Follow-Up 4: Pandemic Life (Music & Poetry)

Arys Dejan - Talkie 1 of 3: Pursuing Music

Arys Dejan - Talkie 2 of 3: Working with Youth

Arys Dejan - Talkie 3 of 3: Overcoming Obstacles

Arys Dejan - Bonus Talkie 1: Spoken Word Performance (2014)

Arys Dejan - Bonus Talkie 2: Performing

Arys Dejan - Follow-Up 1: Fulfilling New Ambitions

Arys Dejan - Follow-Up 2: Pandemic Life (The Who & How Club)

NEW: Arys Dejan - Follow-Up 3: Pandemic Life (Giving Back)

Arys is hungry to express himself. His music and poetry have helped him resolve and heal from the extreme adversities he faced as a young person. Writing and performing is his way to understand and communicate with others.

Follow-Up Interview #4: Pandemic Life (Music & Poetry)

We hope you enjoyed Arys’ Follow-Ups!

We’ll be back with new Talkies in the new year.

Follow-Up Interview #3: Pandemic Life (Giving Back)

Follow-Up 4 with Arys Dejan coming next Friday!

Follow-Up Interview #2: Pandemic Life (The Who & How Club)

Follow-Up 3 with Arys Dejan coming next Friday!

ROAD to EQUALITY – Episode 11 with Arys Dejan

Arys joined our social justice video podcast, Road to Equality. He asks, what is equality, and who made the structures that prevent us from achieving it? He shares his unique perspective as someone who lived in foster care and is now working in a homeless shelter.

Visit our Podcast page for more episodes…

Follow-Up Interview #1: Fulfilling New Ambitions

Watch Follow-Up #1 with Arys Dejan! We’ll announce our next Talkie Series on Tuesday, February 25.

Click here for more on Arys’ Road to Possible!

Bonus Talkie 2 – Performing

Click here for more on Arys’ Road to Possible!

We’ll announce our next Follow-Up Interview on Tuesday, October 30 and our next Talkie Series on Tuesday, November 6.

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Talkie with Arys Dejan!

Because of strong interest, we’re posting an extra Talkie with Arys Dejan! Tune in Thursday, October 25 at 5 PM.

Talkie 3 – Overcoming Obstacles

 Click here for more on Arys’ Road to Possible!

We’ll announce our next Talkie Series on Tuesday, October 23.

Talkie 2 – Working with Youth

Talkie 3 with Arys Dejan coming next Thursday!

Click here for more on Arys’ Road to Possible!

Bonus Talkie 1 – Spoken Word Performance

Talkie 2 with Arys Dejan coming next Thursday!

Click here for more on Arys’ Road to Possible!

EDITORIAL / ANNOUNCEMENT: Bonus Talkie with Arys Dejan

There’s been a change in plans with today’s scheduled Talkie…

We were going to begin our Talkie Series with nutrition student, Neesa McRae-McNicholls. However, she decided she doesn’t want to make her interview public. We fully support her decision. At Road to Possible, we do everything we can to make sure our profiles are comfortable.

So instead, tune in after 5 PM today for a Bonus Talkie of Arys Déjan performing his spoken word poetry:

Click here to watch!

Talkie 1 – Pursuing Music

Talkie 2 with Arys Dejan coming next Thursday!

Click here for more on Arys’ Road to Possible!

Upcoming Talkie Series with Arys Dejan

Our 3-part Talkie Series with Arys starts Thursday, October 4 at 5 PM!

Darwin and Arys Perform at Sneaky Dee’s

Killer performance by Darwin’s Bible and Arys at Sneaky Dee’s!

Follow Darwin on his Road to Possible: click here

Follow Arys on his Road to Possible: click here.