“Work is worship” quote by Swami Vivekananda, is what I thought was true, but then I realized there is more to it. Enjoying your work becomes worship when you love doing it. Somewhere in the process of pursuing my education I closely understood my dream and that it is this small dream that I need to follow.
My dream, was just not to achieve a degree or a post in a company, but something to give back to the community that helped me grow. I worked for an Open Source Drug Discovery group, that have millions of students and researchers working on better Healthcare to All. This group not only does research on drugs and disease but is aiming to provide safer drugs at a very low cost. One of the Principal Investigators, Prof, Dr. Jaleel UC, helped me to dream and look beyond all the benefits money could bring from research. He taught me that our education, our work can save maybe millions of lives suffering from Tuberculosis, Malaria and other diseases. The only drawback to change was the need to voice the situation. At many times research experience is the only way that helps in bringing a change to such a community. His support has helped me to step further ahead – and take up Health Informatics course in Centennial College. I definitely aim to pursue the small-seeded dream.
“Road to Possible” has helped me boost up my passion. Thanks to Lesley and Edward that I got a chance to express my dreams. I also received a strong moral support from many people involved and participating in “Road to Possible”ย and am really thankful to all. I hope to achieve what I dream of.
And to all those who feel that their dream is not as passionate as someone else let me remind you of what Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”