Carlos Delgado - Video Talkie 1 of 6: Moving to Canada

Carlos Delgado - Video Talkie 2 of 6: Overcoming Obstacles

Carlos Delgado - Video Talkie 3 of 6: Making a Living

Carlos Delgado - Video Talkie 4 of 6: Getting Focused

Carlos Delgado - Video Talkie 5 of 6: "Travellers Under the Moon"

Carlos Delgado - Video Talkie 6 of 6: "Creating Something Different"

Carlos Video Profile

Carlos Delgado - Follow-Up Interview 1: Transitions

Art has had a constant presence in Carlos' life and has given him hope and courage in difficult times. Since moving from Colombia to Canada, he has won many live painting competitions and even received an honour from the government for his contribution in promoting the diversity of Toronto culture. He hopes that people can connect and find a piece of themselves in his work.

Carlos Blog

Follow-Up Interview #1: Transitions

Watch our Follow-Up with Carlos Delgado! We’ll announce our next Talkie Series on Tuesday, May 28.

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!


Originally posted on Carlos’ website:

The holiday season may be upon us. For me this time of the year always makes me think of how we can give back. I have always felt that artists have a social responsibility to give back through their art. I have throughout  my career always tried to find ways to do this, because art isn’t always just for the sake of doing art. 

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A few years back when the refugee crisis started on a large global scale we saw large number of people leaving their homelands, putting themselves through treacherous trips to bring a better future to their families and themselves. Coming from a country that has the second biggest number of internally placed refugees, this had a huge impact on me. In response to this, I wanted to find the humanity within it all, and not have it just be numbers of people. I wanted to find hope that we can find in the darkest hour. So, I created a series called Travelers Under the Moon. Pics below:

Carlos Montage 1Carlos Montage 2Carlos Montage 3Carlos Montage 4Carlos Montage 5Carlos Montage 6Carlos Montage 7Carlos Montage 8Carlos Montage 9

This year before I left for my trip to Colombia, I decided to donate some of the pieces in the series to a local agency who works with supporting refugee every day, FCJ Refugee Centre. I am honored for them receiving me and my artwork. Thank you for your conversation, the delicious lunch and generosity. Here are some pics:

Carlos Montage 10 Carlos Montage 11 Carlos Montage 12 Carlos Montage 13

I still have two large (4’x’5 ) pieces from this series that I would love to donate to someone who can put it up somewhere and show hope, show human connection, show the energy of love and family. If interested feel free to email me at[/expand]

Video Talkie 6: Carlos on Creating Something Different

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!

We’ll announce our next Talkie Series on Friday, September 15.

Video Talkie 5: Carlos on “Travellers Under the Moon”

Video Talkie 6 with Carlos Delgado coming next Friday!

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!

Video Talkie 4: Carlos on Getting Focused

Video Talkie 5 with Carlos Delgado coming next Friday!

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!

Video Talkie 3: Carlos on Making a Living

Video Talkie 4 with Carlos Delgado coming next Friday!

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!

Video Talkie 2: Carlos on Overcoming Obstacles

Video Talkie 3 with Carlos Delgado coming next Friday!

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!

Video Talkie 1: Carlos on Moving to Canada

Video Talkie 2 with Carlos Delgado coming next Friday!

Click here for more on Carlos’ Road to Possible!

Upcoming Talkie Series with Carlos Delgado

Stay linked for Talkie 1 with Carlos, coming Friday, August 4 at 5pm!

The stories of our youth & the power of art – by Carlos Delgado

Originally posted on Carlos’ website:

When I came to Canada over 6 years ago, a good friend of my wife’s and co-founder of Toronto Loves Kicks asked me to come paint live at a sneaker art competition, doing art on sneakers in a short amount of time, where the audience would choose the winner. Little did I know that this was the spark of a new community art initiative that I have had the honour of doing with diverse youth across many communities in Toronto. After seeing the amazing reaction people had to the sneakers and even winning some of the competitions with pieces like this one of Bob Marley, I decided to start offering custom sneakers for clients. 

Carlos Blog 1 Jan 28 2016

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I started to get a lot of interesting custom requests from individuals and even corporations and created some designs like the ones below:Carlos Blog 2 Jan 28 2016 Carlos Blog 3 Jan 28 2016



Carlos Blog 7 Jan 28 2016

One day a young person that I met through an art event invited me to do  a workshop with youth doing art on sneakers with group of youth in St. James Town community below.Carlos Blog 8 Jan 28 2016 Carlos Blog 9 Jan 28 2016

I quickly realized the immense power that art had for youth and young people to tell their stories, especially youth coming from underprivileged circumstances and facing multiple barriers in their lives. Using sneakers, something that is such a common every day object and a huge part of urban youth culture, became the best tool for creating those spaces and allowing youth to have a creative voice in expressing their identities, stories and hopes in a supportive environment. Since this first workshop, I partnered with my wife and her business dedicated to using art for social change The Social Good to start bringing this program across to as many youth as possible. We have been lucky to collaborate with diverse organizations such as Pathways to Education Canada, Art Starts and Central Neighbourhood House and the Colombian Consulate  to deliver workshops across the city.Carlos Blog 10 Jan 28 2016Most recently, I was awarded the Artist in Residence position at Power Plant Gallery as part of the Power Youth Program. I am currently in the beginning of this 3 month residency where I am working with a group of young people from Mount West Dennis neighbourhood in Toronto doing art on shoes which will be used in an an art installation at the Power Plant Gallery this spring. The installation will showcase how contemporary art practice is a powerful tool for personal and community development and for sharing our stories (in this case the stories of the youth) and changing the social stereotypes often accompanying specific neighbourhoods (in this case, their own community). We will use art to tell a story of diversity, resilience, strength and hope.Carlos Blog 16 Jan 28 2016 Carlos Blog 17 Jan 28 2016

Our dream is to see this program grow nationally and even internationally eventually leading into a permanent program which creatively engages our young people and gives them a space to share their stories, increase their own creativity, skills and confidence and use art to become leaders and changemakers in their own communities.[/expand]

Spring is change – by Carlos Delgado

Originally posted on Carlos’ website,

Carlos blog post August 7 2015

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I come from a country where it is the same tropical season all year. So when I came to Canada 5 years ago it took some adjusting to the seasons and the cold. I have found that the time when the snow melts has become one of my favourite times. When you can smell the warmth in the air and earth is starting to come to life.

Last year I painted an abstract piece that I feel now looking back at it really speaks to this change and transformation that comes at this time.

This piece is called Body and Soul. It is 36″ x 48″, oil on canvas. 

When I paint in abstract often times I don’t “think” about the piece or it’s meaning. I just let it come through on it is own and when I am finished is usually when I see things in it that could be description and meaning. In this piece the red paint symbolizes the visceral, physical aspects of human existence, while the blue paint is the subtle energetic, ethereal aspects. They can never be separate and they are always co-existing together to give us the full human experience. These different elements are a part of us as the same time as they surround us and embrace us.

As I love to leave my art for the viewer and their interpretation, I would love to know what your thoughts are when you see this painting.[/expand]

Good Luck Carlos!

Carlos Delgado shared his new piece with us yesterday…. “All You Can Eat”!

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He was nominated for the Telus Newcomer Artist Award. We’ll find out the winner on Thursday. Crossing our fingers and wishing him luck.

Read more about Carlos’ nomination, his Step by Step project and experience as a new artist in Canada here:[/expand]