Prince is an actor in theatre, television and film. He was working in the industry after graduating from George Brown Theatre School when he found himself caught in a horrific apartment fire that left severe burns on over 65% of his body. After 3 weeks in a coma, 30+ surgeries and both arms amputated, Prince is continuing his acting career. His experience has also motivated him to study social work at Ryerson University, where he just finished his 1st year.
Follow-Up Interview #3: Life During the Pandemic (Part 2)
We hope you enjoyed Prince’s Follow-Ups! We’ll announce our next Talkie on Tuesday, November 16.
Follow-Up Interview #2: Life During the Pandemic (Part 1)
Part 2 of our Follow-Up Interview with Prince Amponsah coming next Friday!
ROAD to EQUALITY – Episode 10 with Prince Amponsah
Prince joined our social justice video podcast, Road to Equality, to share his experiences with racism and discrimination as a Black man with a disability.
Visit our Podcast page for more episodes…
Profile Update – Prince Amponsah in The Threepenny Opera
Check out Prince in The Threepenny Opera!
At West End Cultural Centre until March 2nd – Click here for tickets
And if you missed it the first time – Click here to watch Prince’s Talkies
Follow-Up Interview: Acting Full-Time
We’ll announce our next Talkie Series on Tuesday, April 3. Hope you enjoy our Follow-Up with Prince Amponsah and leave your comments!
Click here for more on Prince’s Road to Possible!
Talkie 6: Prince on Acting
We hope you enjoyed our Talkies with Prince!
We’ll announce our next Talkie Series on Friday, July 28.
Talkie 5: Prince on his Love for the Arts
Talkie 6 with Prince Amponsah coming next Friday!
Click here for more on Prince’s Road to Possible!
Talkie 4: Prince on Social Work and the Arts
Talkie 5 with Prince Amponsah coming next Friday!
Click here for more on Prince’s Road to Possible!
Talkie 3: Prince on his Wake-Up Call
Talkie 4 with Prince Amponsah coming next Friday!
Click here for more on Prince’s Road to Possible!
Talkie 2: Prince on Accepting Himself
Talkie 3 with Prince Amponsah coming next Friday!
Click here for more on Prince’s Road to Possible!
Talkie 1: Prince on his Acting Journey